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Photo competition "People of India"

We started to collect photographs for photo competition "People of India”, which will take place in 2011-2012 years. The main prize of this competition will be – tour to Indian Himalayas.

This photo competition for travelers, who went to India, and left their heart in this country. For those people who was interrupted by its people, customs and traditions. This photo competition about people of India.


- Russia society for cultural relations with India "Surya"


- "Kailash” travel company. Moscow

- Onkar Nehria. President of hotel association. Dharamsala

Media support:

- Russian television chanel "India TV"

Competition rules and regulations 

Aim of Competition: 

- To give the opportunity for travelers to announce about their talents;

- To show people of India, their every day life, their customs and traditions;

- To get a good feeling form color photos about India.

Competition participants:

For competitions we invite travelers, photographers and amateurs of India and Photo.

Competition holding:

The competition will hold on in social network in internet  

After competition results, the best photos will be displayed in exhibition in Moscow and India.

The place and date of exhibition is elaborating at the moment.

Nomination in competition  "People of India” 


2-3 photos

In this nomination photos from every day people life are required.


4-5 photos 

In this nomination 4-5 photos from each event required.

Photo paintings

1-2 photos

Stylized work with using such programs as photoshop.


Every one can attend the competition free of any charge. 

Technical points of image:

Format - JPG. Long side size – 1200 pix. 

The place and dates of image receipt:

Before 7-th of March. E-mail:  fotoindia@mail.ru

Competition in Internet:

To left your comments, to vote for liked photos, to ask questions, to share ideas you can look next pages:


-Мой Мир (Moy Mir)</font>

-ВКонтакте (VKontakte)

Marks of photografs 

All photos will me marked by international jury, with the account of the audience votes. 

Criterion of marks: 

• singularity of implementation; 

• technical skills of implementation;

• topicality of theme; 

Stages of photo competition: 

Stage 1

Selection of photos, which came by internet on e-mail box – fotoindia@mail.ru either on the wall posted in social network. 

All photos in theme "People of India” can be posted with out moderation of competition administration in social networks. Administration reserve the rights for it self to delete photograph from the page, if it is not convenient to competition regulations. Each visitor of social network can vote for liked photo. Once in a week administration will choose best photos and display them.

 Stage 2 

Jury counts up votes and chooses winners of this competition. Total 21 prize-winning places are required in competition, include 1 main prize winner. 

Stage 3

The best photos, which win in the competition will be displaid on exhibition and will get prizes. Winner of the competition will attend group tour to Indian Himalayas.  


Participants of competition guarantee to have copyrights for photos send to competition;

Participants of photo competition bear liability of infringement of copyrights of the third parties. Giving works on competition, the participant thereby confirms the authorship and the consent with conditions and competition regulations.

The Organizing committee reserves the right to itself to publicize photos in the materials accompanying the project without payment of royalties.

Photos of participants can be presented on information web-sites in small size for noncommercial use with authorship comments.

Organizers guarantee to participants observance of their copyrights. 

The calendar of competition and exhibition 

Admittance of photo works - until 7 March 2012. 

Result announcement – 21 March 2012. 

Exhibition of best photos of photo competition "People of India” in Moscow – middle of April 2012 (place and date are defined) 

Exhibition of best photos of photo competition "People of India” in India. Himachal Pradesh state. Naggar and Dharamsala – may, October 2012 (place and date are defined) 


Категория: Документы | Добавил: mashalotus (20.11.2011) | Автор: Бадмаева Мария
Просмотров: 2000 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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