Akash Adventures & Tours  registered in Inida, HP. We represent this company in Russia, Moscow.


Main coordinator of tours in India – Marina Filippova
Representative in Russia – Maria Badmaeva
Marina Filippova – journalist, historian. She deeply investigate culture and traditions of Himalayan ethnic groups. Her unique tours of  “Great Herritage” and “People of India” gives a deep understanding of customs and traditions of Himalayan peoples.
Valeriy Garkaln – professional foto artist, historical, journalist and traveler. He dedicate his life for the work with images. He guide many groups in Indian Himalayas. Valeriy Garkaln made huge collection of foto works dedicated to India, Nepal, Vietnam and Indonesia. He took part in many exhibitions in India, Nepal, Vietnam, Russia and Ukraine. Foto tours is unique from of travelling, because only professional photographer   and photo artist can show the best place and time for shooting. He can introduce travelers with customs and meaning of specific rituals and festivals. He can advice how to correct and  restore received images.
Stanislav Fedrov – professional guide in India Himalayas and Vietnam. His working style - constantly amaze travelers, making the tour as a real adventure! He perfectly know stories and legends of Hindu Gods. Stanislav have got his own project – “Powerful places of Shiva and Parvati” and joint project with Marina Filippova – “Hinduism in Indochina”.


We escorting groups to Indian Himalaya more then 16 years. By this time we perfectly worked out our tours. Each tour – is adventure, immersion in the tradition of the Himalayan peoples. Every traveler who traveled with us in Himalayas, falls in love with the culture of Northern India, and later come here again and again, discovering the endless possibilities of self-realization. Every place in the Himalayas imbued with the power and high sense. Here the Gods so close that it seems you can " touch " them.
Our goal is to show people a world filled with love and highest sense; to help them realize their dreams and potential; to give them the opportunity to see the beauty of the Himalayas; to acquaint with the traditions and customs of the peoples living in this interesting region of the planet; to feel the unity with another culture, nature, religions and with yourself.


We present our tours across the Himalayas on behalf of Indian travel company Akash Advantures & Tours. All documentation and financial issues are resolved only through this company. We are employees of the company under Indian law. 
Ссылка на договор с принимающей стороной
If you are a tour operator - you may conclude an agreement with our company Akash Advantures 
If you are a tour agency – you may contact with one of the tour operators, who is selling our tours. 
If you are individual tourist – you may contact with one of the tour operators on this tours .
All the prices for our tour have a common rates for every one. You can buy it in any of our partner’s office by the same price.



Copyright Филиппова Марина © 2025
Бесплатный хостинг uCoz